:: National insurance company syria::

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Individual health insurance

National insurance company offers a variety of developed health insurance programs one of the most important is family medical insurance program inside and outside Syria

1. Syria limited program :

Scope of cover :

Inpatient benefits

Each case per insured

Number of cases

600000 s.p                100 %


Outpatient benefits

Doctor visit

Ambulatory and physiotherapy


7 visits / year                90%

7 visits / year                90%


7 prescriptions /year   90 %








Special covers

-          Incubator  covered for new born for 6 days , one consultation of pediatric ( if delivery is covered)

-          Circumcision for newly born baby boy is covered .

-          Epidural anesthesia is covered for a maximum limit of 50000 syp.

-          Cardiac stent is covered.

-          Dental benefits include ( extraction and filling and gingival treatment ) to a maximum limit of 10000 for an additional premium covered 90 % and only inside network.

-          Extra bed for a companion is covered for children under 12 years


2. Syria extended program:

Scope of cover :

Inpatient benefits

Each case per insured

Number of cases

1000000 s.p                100 %


Outpatient benefits

Doctor visit

Ambulatory and physiotherapy


12 visits / year                90%

50000 syp / year                90%


50000 syp /year   90 %








Special covers

-          Incubator  covered for new born for 6 days , one consultation of pediatric ( if delivery is covered)

-          Circumcision for newly born baby boy is covered .

-          Epidural anesthesia is covered .

-          Cardiac stent is covered for a maximum limit of 50000 syp.

-          Dental benefits include ( extraction and filling and gingival treatment ) to a maximum limit of 10000 for an additional premium covered 90 % and only inside network.

-          Extra bed for a companion is covered for children under 12 years

-          Burial expenses are covered up to 50000syp if death occurs due to covered case in hospital.

-          Ambulance expenses are covered once a year.


3. Syria and Jordan extended network

Scope of cover :

Inpatient benefits

Each case per insured

Number of cases

1000000 s.p                100 %


Outpatient benefits

Doctor visit

Ambulatory and physiotherapy


12 visits / year                90%

50000 syp / year                90%


50000 syp /year   90 %








Special covers

-          Incubator  covered for new born for 6 days , one consultation of pediatric ( if delivery is covered)

-          Circumcision for newly born baby boy is covered .

-          Epidural anesthesia is covered .

-          Cardiac stent is covered for a maximum limit of 100000 syp.

-          Dental benefits include ( extraction and filling and gingival treatment ) to a maximum limit of 10000 for an additional premium covered 90 % and only inside network.

-          Extra bed for a companion is covered for children under 12 years

-          Burial expenses are covered up to 50000syp if death occurs due to covered case in hospital.

-          Ambulance expenses are covered once a year.

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